Source Talks proud to present On .Net's first in-person event.

Hosted by:

Source Talks Community: Your launchpad into the .NET world. We're passionate about fostering diverse tech communities where developers can connect, learn, and grow together.

NewDay: Everyone wants to move forward. To progress their lives. We believe in credit as a force for good. Because responsible and accessible credit expands possibilities. It powers up life and business.

In the spirit of creating opportunity within the tech community, we recently launched On .Net as part of Source Talks. With the aim of replicating the success of our previous tech meet ups through networking, learning and offering a platform for niche tech skill sets. Our debut event was in partnership with NewDay, graciously hosted at their scenic North London Office.

It was a fantastic debut meet up for developers and engineers working within .Net and attendees were treated to two keynotes from a pair of prolific .Net legends.

🔹David Whitney - Director of Architecture at NewDay

🔹Ian Cooper - Senior Principal Engineer at

Be sure to join the Source Talks - On .Net Meet Up Group here to attend future events if you work in the space.

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